With mining companies seeking to cut emissions due social pressure and regulatory risk, there is a growing trend to implement environmentally sustainable handling systems and equipment. In-pit crushing and conveying (IPCC) systems is a solution. 


IPCC can reduce GHG emissions by more than 100,000 tonnes of CO2 per year (Norgate & Haque (2010), Energy and greenhouse gas impacts of mining and mineral processing operations. Referring to Carajas mine). IPCC technology allows for reducing truck haulage in mines by moving the primary crusher from the processing plant closer to the mine for the crushing and conveying of run-of-mine (ROM) material. 


The operational efficiency can even be increased by entertaining relocatable or semi-mobile crushing stations, which can follow the mine progress keeping the truck transportation at the minimum possible level. Moreover, with a favourable mine layout, it is possible to create an operation completely without mine trucks by using fully mobile crushing stations on crawler tracks that operate directly with the shovel at the mine face.


The advantages are many: mines can reduce OPEX through less manpower, minimised maintenance and reduced fossil fuel costs. ROI (return on investment) often arrives in under three years.

Another key area in this stage of the process is in-pit bulk ore sorting systems, which can increase concentrator efficiency and optimise downstream processes. Simply put, low grades result in higher and water electricity consumption. 


A typical gold mine operation consumes 25-150kWh of electricity per tonne of processed ore (Calvo, Mudd, Valero and Valero, 2016). This means that if mill feed tonnes can be cut via bulk ore sorting ahead of the processing phases, a mine can significantly decrease energy, water and reagent consumption – as well as tailings. 


Approximately 36 per cent of a mine’s energy is used by comminution (Ballantyne, Powell, & Tiang, 2012), so pre-process ore sorting can make a huge dent in slashing energy use and therefore costs and CO2 emissions.

The digital boosters

Smart digital solutions use data intelligence.. 

...to optimise crusher performance, boost productivity and reduce energy usage. From boulder detection to particle size distribution, digital crusher optimisation solutions ensure increased uptime, lower costs and smarter maintenance are achieved.


An advanced automated solution that optimises the operation of dry bulk equipment and transfer of bulk dry materials. It has proven its ability to increase throughput by as much as 20%, while reducing operating, labour, maintenance and energy costs. It also has key safety benefits.

The key flowsheet processes

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