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Simple, efficient and reliable – clarifiers that deliver cleaner water

Clean water for processing use, contaminated process drainage and incidental storm water are the main types of water that are present in mining operations. 

The treatment of contaminated mine water, whether for reintroduction back to the environment or reuse as process water, aims to neutralize the wastewater’s acidity and remove any heavy metals. Clarifiers have proven themselves to be invaluable in the treatment of these contaminated waters.

Clarifiers work on the operating principles of gravity and particle interactions, with solids settling downwards and liquids rising to the top as they separate. The purpose of the clarifier focuses on maximising the settling of solids for removal in the underflow, and minimising any escape of solids in the overflow stream to provide cleaner water suitable for reintroduction to the environment or for immediate reuse in the process.

When overflow clarity is of utmost importance, turn to us to deliver a design that will handle your application and flow requirements. We design and build our clarifier units to provide the most economical solution for your processes. Our clarifiers provide better performance, increased capacity and ease of operation. All of our units are backed by more than 100 years of experience in engineering and manufacturing, ensuring you the best clarifier fit for your unique plant requirements.

Included in our product line of clarifier units:

Conventional clarifiers

EIMCO® conventional clarifiers are the value workhorse of our clarification technology offering. They are effective, durable and reliable, providing long service life.

Reactor-Clarifier™ solids-contact unit

EIMCO Reactor-Clarifiers offer optimal flocculation, solids contact and precipitation. Dual concentric rake and turbine drives provide solids raking, along with high-flow pumping and low-shear mixing. Our solids-contact clarifiers are used for metal contaminant precipitation, including softening, and for fine suspended solids removal.

Delta-Stak® clarifiers

EIMCO Delta-Stak clarifiers combine the simplicity of gravity settling with inclined-plate sedimentation principles. Our design significantly reduces space requirements and costs, while providing operational ease and low overflow suspended solids concentrations.

Available clarifier features:

§   Bridge- and column-supported mechanism designs

§   Surface skimmers

§   Froth baffles

§   Low-shear turbines

§   Internal or external solids recirculation

§   Paddle flocculators

§   Various feed pipe arrangements


Feedwell alternatives include energy-dissipating, mechanically mixed flocculation and solids-contact reaction wells. We can design effluent launder configurations for equalised flow distribution and tanks for liquor storage and optimised hydraulic loading.

Operational expertise

Sizing and specifying a clarifier can be challenging. Correct clarifier sizing ensures dependability and efficiency with a margin of safety for process upsets, allowing the greatest operational flexibility. Let our trained experts guide you through the available alternatives and help you select the clarifier best suited to your process application.

Upgrades and retrofits

Sedimentation technology is constantly advancing. We can evaluate your clarification needs, and offer upgrades/retrofits, including completely new mechanisms, feed system retrofits and new drives. The complete retrofit and upgrade packages we provide are unique in the industry, as they typically include design, engineering, fabrication, planning, scheduling, project management, installation and commissioning.

Technical services we provide

  • Product review and improvement
  • Lifecycle analysis
  • Equipment audits
  • Process audits
  • Testing
  • Repairs and refurbishments
  • Upgrades
  • Original OEM parts
  • Retrofits

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